
Showing posts from August, 2017


Custom CRM for Online Trading and Brokerage

Private traders who work with individual clients face the same challenges as traditional business does: store and view great amounts of client information (personal, prospect, financial), client information management, reporting, workflow automation, analytics, forecasting, billing/invoicing, etc.  CRM technology is crucial for the success of brokerage and online trading. In the past few years there has been a considerable change in the CRM methodology concept. Hence, more and more IT providers have started to develop and customize CRM solutions for the online trading and the brokerage industry so that  they be easily integrated with other systems.  Creating a comprehensive CRM system is complicated and very expensive, but it's becoming an essential investment. So, many companies prefer to use ready-made CRM solutions, but many features still require customization and integration to meet the specific business needs. There are some short reviews of ready CRM solutions traders an

Counterfeit Mobile Accessories Increasing in Number

Jakarta, Indonesia – The government of Indonesia has admitted to have loopholes in its security. The demographic location of the country makes it hard for the authority to seal and guard more than 17,000 islands from fraudsters who are illegally transporting fake products in and out of the country. Counterfeit medicines, illegal drugs and gadgets have the highest number of fakes. The latter of which have been too dominant and mainstream that it can be found in the streets of the suburbs of the capital, lined side by side on the pavement, with policemen seemingly oblivious of the haggle of the vendors and passersby. It has already been an accepted fact in the country to have those kinds of products scattered around and the authorities neither tolerate nor discourage the people anymore.  Warnings continue to be carried on, though, by international organizations. Along with legitimate manufacturing companies, raids are being operated and thousands of fraudsters have been caught red han

3 Ways that Website Analytics Can Save Your Online Business

Website analytics is probably the last thing an online business owner wants to worry about.  With 15 things to do every day before 10 am and another 50 to do before you can call it a day, sitting down in front of a bunch of web traffic stats seems like a waste of time.  While I agree with the sentiment, it's completely wrong.  In fact, website analytics should be the first and last thing you review every day and I'll give you three reasons why:  1.  Web Analytics Help You Detect Fraud and Incompetence  Have you hired an SEO expert?  PPC marketer?  Social media guru?  If you have people on staff or retain contractors to help you with your site, website analytics are your best friend.  Forget about the reports these experts create because all stats and data can be manipulated or ommitted.  What you need is raw, reliable data to calculate the ROI of the services you are paying for.  Specifically, programs like Google Analytics can help you quickly isolate specific traffic
